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Déménagement Singapour

Singapore is voted as one of the favorite destinations for expatriates!

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The climate, the quality of life and the level of security in this country are highlighted and this make it a city where it is good to live.

According to expats, wages are high, daily life is pleasant and the education system is excellent..

Singapore welcomes a large number of expatriates and AWT carries out lot of removals from France for this destination.

Indeed, for 30 years, AWT has been moving employees around the world and Singapore has gradually become one of the most frequent destinations.

In order to prepare your international move to Singapore, only your VISA and passport photocopy will be required for local customs.

It will take approximately 5 to 6 weeks door to door to receive your move.

Our Paris office will be happy to provide you with information about your move and support you in your project:

  • A technical visit will be carried out at your home regardless of your departure city in France or in another foreign country in order to estimate the volume to be moved and provide you with the information necessary for your move.
  • A door-to-door quote will be sent to you.
  • Our teams of professional packers will protect and pack all your personal belongings using our high-quality export packaging (bull kaft for furniture, wardrobe boxes for your hanging clothes, picture frames or custom-made wooden crates for the protection of under glass, tables of value, etc.)
  • We will take care of export and import customs in both countries
  • We will arrange delivery for your move to Singapore


The little extra from AWT: a dedicated sales representative will guide you throughout your move.

You can contact us by phone: +33 1 39 92 97 97 or by email: general@awt.fr

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Je tiens à remercier AWT pour leur service exceptionnel lors de mon récent déménagement. Professionnels, ponctuels et extrêmement soigneux, ils ont rendu cette expérience qui aurait pu être stressante incroyablement fluide et positive. Toute l’équipe a démontré une efficacité remarquable du début à la fin. Leur attitude positive et leur engagement à satisfaire le client se sont vraiment démarqués. Je suis pleinement satisfait de leur travail et je les recommande vivement à quiconque cherche un déménagement sans tracas. Merci Audrey pour avoir dépassé mes attentes !

Borovik Elena

Biocodex, 05/02/2024


I appreciated the excellent service of your company from the first till the last day of my transfer in between the countries, thank you!

Katya Bouabbas



Équipe très professionnelle et serviable. Je recommande !